Monday, April 20, 2015

Photo Album

A few weeks ago, I bought an unpainted ring binder, photo album, it fitted 30" x 30" so ideal for scrapbooking. the binder was very sturdy and looked well made and best of all the pages fitted fine.
 It stood up to paint quite well, no buckling, no warping and no bubbling and was a dream to paint, smooth.
I had booked into a workshop with Laraine Palmer and needed something to paint on, I also needed something that I was going to use and the scrapbook album was ideal.
I painted it black using Jo Sonja background paint, the painted area was left ready to paint in the workshop with Laraine.
 I really enjoyed the workshop, it was relaxing, fun and as always Laraine is a great teacher, if you ever have a chance to attend one of her workshops please do.
This is the outside of the finished scrapbook album, I painted an outline in pale gold/rich gold mix then I used a soft brush loaded in a watery mix of the same and tapped with another brush to the outside of the painting and back of the album. The centre painting of the Loon I covered with paper and taped it down, so that the gold would not cover this area.
The inside of the album I painted a boarder around the front and back cover, then when dry I sprayed the album with a matt spray varnish. when completely dry I used a full sheet of scrapbook paper and attached it with score tape to the front inside cover, as this paper was slightly smaller than the inside cover the black boarder I painted filled in the rest. The back inside cover I covered in the same paper.
The scrapbook paper I used was black with a silver stars, it was an old scrapbook paper pad that my friend gave me so not sure of the make. The inside plastic acid free pages I bought from Spotlight.

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