Sunday, March 9, 2014

Latest painting 2014

The last few weeks have been spent painting when I have not been busy with family. First it was my sister (my brothers wife) birthday and I wanted to send her a card that was more personal than usual. Most of the time I remember to buy a card at the last moment and hope that I can find a nice one, or find a nice one well ahead of time and put it somewhere safe, you know that place you can never find it when you need it, Yes? well that place.

This year I decided to paint a water colour that could be displayed after a birthday has well passed, the design was simple, results were good, except that the colour photograph is much less vibrant than the original painting. Painted with Matisse flow on watercolour paper, the pigment in the Matisse flow range are quite good and work well used as a water colour.

As I said it is a very simple design, but I loved this sea horse, he is a pot belly sea horse, lives in the Port Stevens area. Original photo was taken by Marine Biologist, Dave Harasti.   it was painted by me with kind permission from David. Thank you.


This weekend was the Stitches and Craft show. I went along with my friend as the folk art and decorative painters (FDAA) has a showcase there and offered a workshop in inks, the workshops are twice a day. The original idea was Kate Belton, Kate was unable to attend so Lauraine Windfield a member of the association and talented teacher took the class with her own interpretation of the design. The results were all great, we had a good messy time and the hour went quick. See the results of mine, my friend actually painted a better painting, mine ran too much at the bottom, loosing the outline of the leaves, as I sprayed too much water at the end, this was only obvious when the painting was dry. 
We left them there to dry and picked them up later. 
Runs are good and part of the design, but mine just looked washed out at the bottom, I just added the outline on the bottom leaf as it had dispersed.
The pattern, well no pattern really, it was hand drawn on the canvas before painting.

Matisse inks, two brushes and a water spray were used. Painting Time 1 hour.

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