Saturday, February 21, 2015

All the background work is complete.

Working on the pages of my card book I used the following colours;
Matisse Flow in; Iso yellow, Aqua Green Light, Cadmin Orange Deep, Cerulean Blue and Permanent Lt Violet.
Matisse flow is waterproof, flexible and light fast, the colours are high pigment. I used these with no water added so the pages are smooth to work on.
I also used Jo Sonja; Background colour, Wood Violet and tube acrylic in Silver.
The technique's I used to paint these pages include; spraying water onto the painted page, using a baby wipe to remove colour through a stencil, Smooching brush work, splatter, I also used an old 3/4 Angle brush that has seen quite a lot of wear, this left some brush lines on some pages giving a textured look.
First I added some words to the front cover of my work, I did not have any idea what I was going to do and just let inspiration do the work. Once I started I just kept going.
The inside front and back cover I painted using my old angle brush with Wood Violet. I then sprayed a fine mist of water over the middle and let this drip down the page onto a paper towel. (it is purple not the blue shown in the first photo). I then dried it with a heat gun, while I was doing this tiny white dots appeared, so I continued to dry it as it gave a cool effect.
You could get a simular effect by throwing salt on the wet background, let it dry naturally and rub off the salt. Iso Yellow and Cadmin Orange Deep are brushed onto the next page.

A close up view of the wood violet on the back inside page.

 The next two pages I have already explained in the last post.

These two pages are both painted with the old 3/4 angle shader, by now the brush had split and gave some different effects. The purple page I used the brush with wood violet in the middle of the page, I thought it was too dark so after splattering it with Iso Yellow and Aqua and some red I still was not happy with it, so I let it dry and went over it with a wash of Permanent Lt Violet.
The grass page I brushed on Iso Yellow and mixed some Aqua green light with the yellow then flicked up some grass from the bottom. The splatter is from the spray when I splattered the purple page.
 First paint the background Iso Yellow, dry. I then used Cadmin orange through a stencil with a baby wipe dabbing the paint. The right page is painted in Cadmin Orange, dry and dab some Iso Yellow through a stencil.
The blue page is Cerulean blue with a smooching brush or bristle brush, use a circular motion.  The purple small page is painted using wood violet and a baby wipe through a stencil to take some of the paint away.
The rest of the pages I used either the smooching method or my 3/4 angle to colour, They are very bright and I may use some washy white to tone down the colour as I paint my designs over the pages. I enjoyed painting these very much, its a long post, a lot of work but worth it. Share your ideas if you decide to make your own book, I would love to hear from you!
I will share more when I do get to paint the details on these pages,  Enjoy, Lyn.

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