This one is for cat lovers!
So far this year, I have painted only three projects of my own design, the year started well but after a couple of hic-ups I had to put my painting on hold, now we are running out of projects! So new projects will be on the way soon.
I will be going to Kentlyn on the 23rd May for a painting day with Chris Roy, so if you would like to join Chris book in with Kerry at Kentlyn. I am going to paint a dog, you can paint anything you like, just bring lunch, the cost is $55.
Next Saturday the 2nd May, is Mountains & Rivers meeting at Penrith, 12 noon, UFO painting or Memory box painting. All welcome.
Do not forget the craft show, Craft & Quilt Fair will be on at Darling Harbour, June 10th-14th. Among the exhibits will be the FDDA association sale of work, plus at least two mini-workshops available on the day for a small fee, fun to do. The ladies are only two pleased to offer advice if you need any assistance on Folk Art.
Lets put on a Show!
Our exhibition in December at the Fairfield Museum has been changed to January, it will be better for us as it will give more time to prepare & not be so much of a rush at an already busy time of year.
Charity Sale;
I have also asked if you could help me paint some projects, Painters are needed for the many pieces of wood that I have been given for our charity stall. it is impossible for me to paint them all myself! Thanks to the four ladies who already have painted some pieces for me, Thanks, Lyn, Kerry, Rob & Barbara.
Take care, & Happy Painting! Lyn. email; paintingbylyn.@gmail.com
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