Painting for a Charity sale can be fun, you do not have to paint complicated items, Simple, attractive, the best you can paint & quality for money are often what people are looking for when buying for a gift.
These paintings are painted by Lyn, the designs are from a book called Brushing the Byways by Bonnie Seaman.
Printed by Bonnie Seaman publications, Copyright 1990. (American)

These paintings are painted by Lyn, the designs are from a book called Brushing the Byways by Bonnie Seaman.
Printed by Bonnie Seaman publications, Copyright 1990. (American)
Have fun with your painting, the sky on these projects are painted with a finger, it makes great clouds!
A close up of the sky, this is easily painted with a finger! not a brush!
paint the sky area Titanium white using a brush or your finger. Next using just your finger, pick up some Sapphire blue & swirl it into the white, add some brown madder swirls. Dry, then pick up some titanium white on your finger & swirl the clouds into place. The white should be heavy in places working it in with your finger to soften. Takes seconds to paint with a little practice.
Have fun painting! see you in class, Lyn.
Have fun painting! see you in class, Lyn.
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